CannaPlanning is Retiring!

After 6+ happy but hectic years of operation, CannaPlanning is slooooowly starting on the road to retirement!

I've loved having such a fun store and meeting so many amazing people, and after so many years, I'm pooped out, haha! It's a LOT of work to constantly be creative plus do product design, manufacturing, marketing, order packing, providing customer service, working with vendors and suppliers and shipping partners and equipment and promoters, and sooo many other aspect of running a business - it's been basically a full time job, on top of my actual full time job, for the past half-decade. After all this time, I finally need a break. :)

So here's what this means for you:

⭐️ Retiring the store will be a loooong process because I have lots of inventory from years of purchasing and producing that I'm going to sell till it's all gone, so I'm definitely not going away tomorrow. But I'm slowly working through every single product in my store to grade and count inventory, and update each listing with the final quantities on hand and a "retiring" designation. As products sell out, there will be no further restocks.

⭐️ I'll be making lots of new Misfit Grab Bags in the coming months as I work through all my inventory. If you love surprises and fun goodies you might have missed, keep your eyes peeled for newsletter updates when I release new batches.

⭐️ The main Shopify store will stay open through 4/20 so you can still accrue and use all your reward points through the holiday. Then at the end of April, I will be transitioning the remainder of my inventory exclusively to Etsy, and closing my Shopify

If there are any products, designs, or colors that you want to stock up on before they're gone forever, now is the time! Some products have enough inventory that they'll still be around on Etsy for another year or two, but many are super popular like my labels and trackers, or are down to the final few pieces, and won't last till the close of my website. Don't let someone else beat you to the punch!

⭐️ Also, this is your reminder to **use your rewards points** - they won't be able to transfer over to Etsy, so don't lose out on the discounts and free items you've already earned! Visit CannaPlanning and use the "rewards" button or icon on the main page to view and apply your credits before the end of April!

⭐️ On May 1st, the address will start pointing to my Etsy store, and this Shopify will no longer be accessible.


It's been a wild ride and a wonderful experience meeting so many new friends in the planner and stoner communities. You've all been so kind, inviting, friendly, and positive - it's been an absolute blast and I'll be forever thankful to every single one of you for how welcome you've always made me feel.

If you have any outstanding questions, don't hesitate to ask me (feel free to use my contact form)! And in the meantime, I'm wishing each and every one of you an amazing start to 2024! CHEERS!!!

Lots of love and big stoner hugs - Mari
